창의력을 완벽한 글꼴로 바꿔보세요
High-Logic에서는 검증된 기술을 기반으로 직관적인 글꼴 소프트웨어를 개발합니다. 우리는 Windows용 글꼴 생성기와 글꼴 관리자를 제공하며, Windows 및 macOS에서 사용할 수 있는 최고의 글꼴 편집기를 제공합니다. 우리의 도구는 글꼴 제작 및 관리 초보자에게 적합하며, 전문가가 필요로 하는 고급 기능도 제공합니다.
글꼴 소프트웨어
포럼 게시물
우리 고객의 일부

그들이 말하는 것

I created a font called Dinzy Minzy with FontCreator. It's on myfonts.com in the top 50 Hot New Fonts!!! Thank you for the great font editor!
Aaron Bogle

MainType has been a rock solid font manager and has all the features I need to manage the 4000+ fonts I have.
Rick Bergeron

FontCreator is a fabulous piece of software. It works flawlessly and is sooo much more powerful than the more expensive alternative font editors.
Stephen Cassar

I needed to easily create fonts for industry standard symbols and Scanahand was the solution to this problem.
Douglas Rilee

I highly recommend FontCreator and want to say thank you for a brilliant font editor; stable, intuitive, powerful and simple to use.
Rickard Törnqvist

You have excellent and experiential software, it allows effective maneuvering in creative and complex projects and allows you to create wonderful things in combination with extremely accessible features! Also, it is the best OT editor for Hebrew.
Yeoshua Dayan

High-Logic deserves its longevity very much, because you work on quality. I discovered your font editor a few years ago, and I find it excellent, far ahead of the competition.
Pierre-Gilles Launay

When you told me how it all started and when I look at where you and the applications are today, I can only commend you for continuing this long journey and providing us with such great font programs.
Carel Schilp

It is very hard to find technical applications so easy to use, beautiful to see and so performant. The two applications FontCreator and MainType are some of the best pieces of code I've ever seen and used. These are two unbreakable "SwissArmy knives" in the toolbox of every serious font creator/editor/technician.
Sergio Bonfiglio

It's amazing to think that I've been a High-Logic customer for almost as long as they've been in business! Erwin and the team are dedicated to making the best software; their flawless and always-improving font products are the proof.
Shawn Scanlan