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Export font resources to file system

Fonts that are in the MainType font library are always available through MainType. So if one or more fonts are no longer on your file system (or you forgot where they are) you can select the font(s) in the font view and right-click one of them to select “Export...”. You are then asked to select a folder where you want MainType to save the font files on your file system.

MainType will use the .ttf extension with fonts containing TrueType based outlines and .otf with fonts containing CFF based outlines. The way a font works does not rely on the font file extension, as operating systems, word processors, web browsers, etc all look into the font data structure to see what options and features are available. Also see this article:

What's the Difference Between TrueType and OpenType Fonts?


Note: This export feature is not available in the Free Edition of MainType.


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